Saturday, July 27, 2013

Book Review: Song in the Silence

       Song in the Silence is a good beginning to a series, as it introduces a likeable main character as well as several great side characters. The good guys are believable and don’t seem plastic; they aren’t perfect, some are even slightly questionable. The villains are believable as well: they don’t trust each other and they are only out for themselves.
       The protagonist, Lanen, has dreamed of going to the fabled dragon island and meeting the dragons, but when her chance comes it turns out to be more wonderful, and quite a bit more frightening, than she would ever have guessed. The plot is surprising but believable, and doesn’t hedge a bit.
       This book is great for dragon lovers and those who like a strong female protagonist. This is, however, for slightly older readers. While not at all graphic, it does touch on some mature topics, mainly just acknowledging that they happened. The writer is Christian, and her book reflects that, though They have different names. (Shia, the Old One, and the Laughing Girl of the Waters.)

Sunday, July 21, 2013


       For those of you who don't know, I'm a missionary girl from (or to?) Mexico, and I love it here. But my parents are talking about leaving. A few years ago one of the other missionary families here left, and now my parents may do the same. As I said, I love it here. The idea of leaving has made me cry several times, and I'm not a cry-y person.
       I've been trying hard to think of the positive things, such as being able to see Violet and Alex, two of my friends from the U.S., and being able to see my family, but it's really hard sometimes. I'm like a cat, I hate change.
       In a way I think this is happening as a learning experience. I've learned to be happy here, but I think God's trying to teach me to be happy in any circumstance. It's hard, but little by little He's changing my heart. More and more I'm becoming attached to the things, ideas, and plans of going there. Violet and I have talked about becoming roommates when we turn eighteen, and I love the idea of being able to see my cousins and other little ones grow up.
       In my heart, I know that Mexico will always be my home, that I will always love it and long for it. But maybe, just maybe, I can learn to love this too.